Hey, I’m Kylee.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drafting stories in waterlogged journals and notes apps, drawing on random scraps of paper, and imagining worlds with mischievous fairies, all-knowing orange cats, and an alarming amount of lightsabers.

My favorite authors are R.F. Kuang for her brutal and raw writing, Abbi Geni for her atmospheric setting and themes of grief and overcoming, and Maggie Stiefvater, because the Scorpio Races changed my brain chemistry as a teenager and I don’t think I’ve ever stopped thinking about white chalk cliffs and stormy skies.

I want to provide others with the sense of escape I’ve found through my stories and characters. If I can help one person develop a stronger desire to create something of their own, then I’ve succeeded. I’m most active on Instagram (@kyjoraven for art and @kylee_raventos for writing), but for more chaotic posting of all things Star Wars, you can also find me on Tumblr.